Friday 4 October 2013

Jazz Extra Curriculum , Core Strength

On Fridays i am doing extra curriculum,dance i am really enjoying it and i find it really fun.i think doing extra curriculum dance is really good because it can boost my confidence in class as well. We do a vary of things like floor work, corner work and routines. Sometime we do stuff which is related to things in my lesson. last friday we focused on the warm-up and corner work. Also, we did a jazz routine, which involved different techniques. I think in class i need to concentrate on improving the lining of my body and keeping my shoulders down, however i think i am putting in a lot of effort.

At home i have been stretching and conditioning as well as at school. In two and a half weeks i have lost three pounds. i have been doing this because as a dancer i need to be fit, healthy and toned.

To be a healthy successful dancer you need to have a core strength, because everything always comes back to your strength , for example being able to hold the right alinement in your, body and having good dynamics.

Things that help for core strength

. Plank
. Sit ups
. Press ups
. Running

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