Saturday 5 October 2013

This week

This week with Andrea ,we focused on what we will be doing in our settling in evening, we did all exercises, including swing exersise. We focused on the lining of our body and I dynamics I think this is good because I really need to work on my dynamics and core strength.

Firstly we did our warmup after that we went straight into routines and dance exercises the first exercise we did was the swing exercise andrea also really focus on the alignment of our feet and I dynamics which I need to work on.

After this we did our solo routine we learnt a little bit more it went really well.
 I think what I need to improve on is keeping my shoulders down witch is my posture. Unlike others I tend to raise my shoulders I need to get out of that habit.
Andrea helped us with our core strength as well we did plank situps and press ups.

After that we had Jodi she helped us with our dance training skills we did situps press ups and plank also she did stretch exercises  to help splits this helped our whole body. When we started to do jazz We started with the pirowett corner exercise , in this exersise i really need to focus on my spotting really whipping my haid round.

After that we learned a new routine it was quite fast and very dynamically coordinated I really enjoyed it but the one thing I can work on in this routine is hitting all the right moves in time with the music.

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