Sunday 13 October 2013

Term 1

Well this term has been interesting , as a dancer in this term i have had lots of ups and downs , it has been really hard but i do think me and , the rest of the class have handeld it well.

 The thing i need to focus on in class is my alignnent of my body and my posture as i did street dance from a earley age i tend to slouch and lift my shoulder up to my ears. This 

The thing i did well on this term was to strengthen my core i think i need a bit more work but i have definitely strengthand my core muscles at the beggining of the term i couldent really hold my body in the correct elingement and now i really think i have inproved yeah , it still needs a lot more work but i an proud that i have made improvements.

Over all , i have enjoyed my time in term 1 and cant wait until the 2nd half.


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