Sunday 30 March 2014

Dance 🌷

Dance was really good this week i dident talk i was focused and i made sure there was nothing wrong to moan about i was in paraell and inwas trying to do every thing right 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

A long time

I havent blogged for a long time but from now on i will be more frequent from the last time i blogged i have been very busy   improving in my dance , i have been taking more classes and i have been improving on my technique in dance even thought some people don't think i am improving i think i an and i think i have made excellent progress also i am concentrating on my acting ihave always   been interested in acting but recently i got in to an agency for acting and modelling and so far it isgoing excellent    so i will see you soon many thanks ... 


Sunday 13 October 2013

Term 1

Well this term has been interesting , as a dancer in this term i have had lots of ups and downs , it has been really hard but i do think me and , the rest of the class have handeld it well.

 The thing i need to focus on in class is my alignnent of my body and my posture as i did street dance from a earley age i tend to slouch and lift my shoulder up to my ears. This 

The thing i did well on this term was to strengthen my core i think i need a bit more work but i have definitely strengthand my core muscles at the beggining of the term i couldent really hold my body in the correct elingement and now i really think i have inproved yeah , it still needs a lot more work but i an proud that i have made improvements.

Over all , i have enjoyed my time in term 1 and cant wait until the 2nd half.


Friday 11 October 2013


Lukas I one of many Inspirations His dynamics and lining of the body is incredible and i love his energy when he dances hear is a quick clip of one of myfavourites  choreographed by him.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Training Exercise

Personally I think I need to improve on my core strength, developing my core strength will also help my posture which I also need to improve on.
So to do this I need to do the following:
. In the morning go for a run preferbley 30-40minuets 
. 100 Sit ups per day morning and afternoon
. Plank for a minnute (repeat 8 times)
. 200 crunchies morning and night
. Side plank on left and right (to develope this move and make it harder you can rotate you hips) 
. To end the cycle do a silmple strech

This week

This week with Andrea ,we focused on what we will be doing in our settling in evening, we did all exercises, including swing exersise. We focused on the lining of our body and I dynamics I think this is good because I really need to work on my dynamics and core strength.

Firstly we did our warmup after that we went straight into routines and dance exercises the first exercise we did was the swing exercise andrea also really focus on the alignment of our feet and I dynamics which I need to work on.

After this we did our solo routine we learnt a little bit more it went really well.
 I think what I need to improve on is keeping my shoulders down witch is my posture. Unlike others I tend to raise my shoulders I need to get out of that habit.
Andrea helped us with our core strength as well we did plank situps and press ups.

After that we had Jodi she helped us with our dance training skills we did situps press ups and plank also she did stretch exercises  to help splits this helped our whole body. When we started to do jazz We started with the pirowett corner exercise , in this exersise i really need to focus on my spotting really whipping my haid round.

After that we learned a new routine it was quite fast and very dynamically coordinated I really enjoyed it but the one thing I can work on in this routine is hitting all the right moves in time with the music.

Friday 4 October 2013

Jazz Extra Curriculum , Core Strength

On Fridays i am doing extra curriculum,dance i am really enjoying it and i find it really fun.i think doing extra curriculum dance is really good because it can boost my confidence in class as well. We do a vary of things like floor work, corner work and routines. Sometime we do stuff which is related to things in my lesson. last friday we focused on the warm-up and corner work. Also, we did a jazz routine, which involved different techniques. I think in class i need to concentrate on improving the lining of my body and keeping my shoulders down, however i think i am putting in a lot of effort.

At home i have been stretching and conditioning as well as at school. In two and a half weeks i have lost three pounds. i have been doing this because as a dancer i need to be fit, healthy and toned.

To be a healthy successful dancer you need to have a core strength, because everything always comes back to your strength , for example being able to hold the right alinement in your, body and having good dynamics.

Things that help for core strength

. Plank
. Sit ups
. Press ups
. Running