Monday 23 September 2013

Todays Dance Class With Andrea

Today with Andrea we did contemporary one of the skills we use today was agility, agility means going in and out of the floor, we do that quite a lot in contemporary it's about how fluid The transition using the energy out of the floor, how it's absorbed into the floor. Today we also focus on our balance and core stability.

In the lesson first of all we started with the Warm up which included, running raising our heartbeat and some core exercises.

Firstly we went straight into are exercises and routine from the previous lesson, First routinely did was the swing exercise routine this went really well we had time to go over it with our partners, to sharpen it up we worked on our core balance and our dynamics and we had to really push ourselves and stretch ourselves out of our Comfort zone.
After this we did the routine which is dance to a song called night air Jamie Woon.
This is a really strong piece you really push ourselves to the limit there are lots of different formations.
After this we went into our solo
Which we learnt in the preview  lesson this is danced to a song called Freedom Anthony Hamilton and ElenaBoynton.
This is a really strong piece  with a lot  of jumps and different dynamics and the lining in our body has to be perfect. We perform this in small groups of eight so we have the chance to watch each other and correct each other also we had a chance to watch each other and get inspiration through each other, I really enjoy watching everybody dance because it gives me a chance to say I need to focus on doing is better and also I can actually talk to them and say you're doing is wrong and maybe I could help them out, because to be a good dancer you need to communicate with your fellow dancers, and help each other out.

After school today I went to the studio, and rehursted all the things I learnt in class, because I felt like I needed to improve in my dynamics and lining of my body so I did some conditioning and then worked on the routines and exercises we did in class, I feel like I do need more work in jazz and contemporary but I feel like with the amazing teachers that we have jodie and andrea I will become better in contemporary technique in jazz technique and develop my dancing skills.

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